Abstract | Stvoren je informacijski sustav za vođenje udruge, odnosno konjičkog kluba. Bilo je potrebno
stvoriti sustav koji će omogućiti kvalitetan pregled sadržaja udruge te rezervaciju termina kako bi
se olakšalo upravljanje samom udrugom te širenje konjičkog sporta. Sustav je stvoren na temelju
prethodne iscrpne analize postojećih rješenja. Analizom tih, već postojećih rješenja, nastojalo se
uvidjeti sve prednosti i mane ovakvih sustava te što je moguće više prednosti implementirati u
izrađeni sustav, a što je više moguće mana „zaobići“. Bazirano na tim prednostima sustav je trebao
imati mogućnost pregleda sadržaja na zanimljiv način, pomoću adekvatne sheme boja te
mogućnost prijave, odnosno registracije u sustav. Time se postiglo da korisnici mogu rezervirati
svoj termin jahanja, ali ga i otkazati. Sukladno tome, sustav je za cilj imao definiranje tri tipa
korisnika: neprijavljenog, prijavljenog i admin korisnika, od kojih bi svaki imao različite
mogućnosti. Neprijavljeni korisnik pregledava sadržaj stranice o konjičkom klubu, dok prijavljeni
korisnik ima mogućnost pregledavanja vlastitog profila, vlastitih rezervacija, rezervaciju termina
koji su postavljeni od strane admina te otkazivanje tih termina. Admin, kao što je spomenuto, ima
mogućnost dodavanja termina, pregleda svih registriranih korisnika, pregleda svih rezervacija te
kao i običan korisnik, pregledavanja vlastitog profila. Kreirani sustav time je ispunio glavnu
zadaću, a to je rezervacija slobodnih termina, no u sustavu i dalje ima mjesta za dodatna
poboljšanja. |
Abstract (english) | An information management system for association was created, where the association
refers to an equestrian club. Task was to create a system that would enable a high-quality overview
of the association's content and appointment booking in order to facilitate the management of the
association and equestrian sport. The system was created based on a previous detailed analysis of
existing solutions. By analyzing these existing solutions, the main task was to see all the
advantages and disadvantages of such systems, and to implement as many advantages as possible
in the created system, and to "bypass" as many disadvantages as possible. Based on these
advantages, the system should enable to view content in an interesting way, using an adequate
color scheme, and the possibility of logging in, or registering in the system. This has made it
possible for users to book their riding appointment, but also to cancel it. In accordance with it, the
system, had an aim which was to create three types of users: unregistered user, logged in user and
admin user. Unregistered user has permission to browse webpage about equestrian club, while
logged in user has permission to view his own profile, reservations, reservation appointments set
by the admin and it has permission to cancel those reservations. As mentioned, admin has
permission to add new appointments, view all registered users, view all reservations and the same
as ordinary user, admin can view his own profile page. With all of that, the created system fulfilled
its main task, which is the reservation of free appointments, but there is still room for additional
improvements in the system. |