Author Josip Pavlek
Mentor Srete Nikolovski (mentor)
Committee member Željko Hederić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek (Department of Power Engineering) (Chair of Power Systems and Substations) Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering Power Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract Održavanje ravnoteže između potrošnje i proizvodnje jalove energije tema je brojnih znanstvenih
radova od početka komercijalne upotrebe EES-a izmjenične struje. Izazov je u pronalasku pravilne
ravnoteže između minimalnog toka jalove energije kako bi se što više iskoristio kapacitet EES-a za prijenos
radne energije i dovoljne količine jalove energije kako bi se zadržao željeni naponski profil. U uvodnim
dijelovima ove doktorske disertacije dane su osnove teorije jalove energije i faktora
... More snage. Metode i načini
kompenzacije jalove energije se nisu značajno promijenili od uvođenja prvih paralelnih kondenzatorskih
baterija za primjenu u EES-u. Unatoč tome što je ova metoda kompenzacije ekonomski prihvatljiva i
relativno pouzdana ona ne zadovoljava sasvim potrebe modernih električnih sustava. Većina današnjih
sustava kompenzirana je izvorima koji ne daju prilagodljiv iznos jalove snage. Konstantni iznosi jalove
snage rijetko djeluju na odgovarajući način u smislu kompenzacije tj. minimiziranja struje voda. Posljednjih
godina pojavile su se nove tehnologije koje rješavaju neke nedostatke kompenzacije jalove snage
zasnovane na kondenzatorskim baterijama. Ovakvi sustavi bi se također mogli koristiti kako bi se dobila
jalova energija s manje neželjenih prijelaznih pojava i neovisno o naponu. Nove mogućnosti kompenzacije
razvile su se pojavom upravljanih sklopki i novim, povećanim mogućnostima učinskih poluvodičkih
komponenata, [2]. Neke od novih tehnologija za kompenzaciju jalove snage su statički sinkroni generator
(eng. SSG), statički var kompenzator (eng. SVC), tiristorski upravljive prigušnice i kondenzatori (TCR, TSR,
TSC), statički var sustav (SVS), aktivni filtri (AF) i jedinstveni uređaj za osiguranje kvalitete napajanja
(UPQC), [3]. Tako je u poglavlju 7. dana simulacija rada nelinearnog potrošača sa aktivnim filterom snage
u programskom paketu MATLAB SIMULINK. Nadalje prikazana je i analiza rezultata simulacije dinamičke
kompenzacije reaktivne snage. Također provedena je i kompletna analiza potrošnje prema obračunskim
podacima za utrošenu električnu energiju. Dalje se prešlo na određivanje najpovoljnije lokacije i veličine
kompenzacijskih uređaja s aspekta smanjenja gubitaka i poboljšanja naponskih prilika. Predložen je u tu
svrhu modificirani genetski algoritam s optimizacijom rojem čestica u svrhu pronalaska najpovoljnijeg
mjesta ugradnje uređaja dinamičke kompenzacije. Tako razvijeni algoritam poslužio je za izradu grafičkog
sučelja programa za izračun tokova snage nesimetričnog trošila, prostorno i vremenski raspodijeljenog u
podsustavu električne vuče koji pored navedenog daje i procjenu optimalne lokacije za smještaj uređaja
dinamičke kompenzacije. Potom je izvršena i ekonomska analiza uz korištenje trenutnih neto vrijednosti
realizacije i ugradnje projekta tijekom njegova životna vijeka. Provedena je i potpuna analiza rezultata
mjerenja na stvarno izvedenom uređaju dinamičke kompenzacije te simulacijskih modela i razvijenog
grafičkog sučelja. Utvrđena je nedvojbena korist, kako u tehničkom tako i u ekonomskom smislu od
ugradnje uređaja dinamičke kompenzacije u mrežama električne vuče. Nadalje izrađeni računalni program
s grafičkim sučeljem uvelike može olakšati problem pronalaska optimalnog mjesta ugradnje, pogotovo u
mrežama s puno čvorova. Završno, dan je zaključak kojim je potvrđena značajna ekonomska ušteda u
naknadama za preuzetu električnu energiju, po obavljenoj ugradnji uređaja za dinamičku kompenzaciju
jalove energije. Less
Abstract (english) Maintaining a balance between consumption and generation of reactive energy has been the topic of
numerous scientific papers since the beginning of the commercial use of AC Power Systems. The challenge
is to find the right balance between the minimum reactive power flow to maximize the capacity of the power
system transmitting operating energy, and sufficient quantity of reactive power to maintain the desired voltage
profile. The introductory parts of this doctoral thesis provide the
... More foundations of reactive energy theory and
power factor. The ways and methods of compensation of reactive energy have not changed significantly
since the introduction of the first parallel capacitor batteries for use in power systems. Although this
compensation method is economically acceptable and relatively reliable, it does not quite meet the needs of
modern electrical systems. Most systems today are compensated by the sources that do not provide a
flexible amount of reactive power. The constant quantities of reactive power rarely act in an adequate way in
terms of compensation, i.e. minimizing the flow of energy. In recent years, new technologies that address
some of the shortcomings of reactive power compensation based on capacitor batteries, have emerged. Such
systems could also be used to produce reactive energy with fewer undesired transients and independent of
voltage. New compensation capabilities have developed with the arrival of controlled switches and new,
increased capabilities of semiconductor power electronics components, [2]. Some of the new reactive power
compensation technologies are static synchronous generator (SSG), static var compensator (SVC), thyristor
controlled chokes and capacitors (TCR, TSR, TSC), static var system (SVS), active filters (AF) and the
unique power quality device (UPQC), [3]. Thus, Chapter 7 provides a simulation of the operation of a
nonlinear consumer with an active power filter in the MATLAB SIMULINK software package. Furthermore, an
analysis of the results of the dynamic reactive power compensation simulation is presented. A complete
analysis of consumption according to the billing data for consumed electricity was also carried out. It was
followed by determining the most suitable location and size of the compensation devices in terms of reducing
losses and improving voltage conditions. For this purpose, a modified genetic algorithm with particle swarm
optimization has been proposed for the purpose of finding the most appropriate location for the installation of
dynamic compensation devices. The algorithm that was developed accordingly, was used to create a
graphical interface of a program for calculating the power flows of an asymmetric load, spatially and
temporally distributed in the electrical traction subsystem, which in addition provides an estimate of the
optimal location for the placement of dynamic compensation devices. This was followed by the economic
analysis using current net values of project implementation and installation over its lifetime. A complete
analysis of the measurement results on the actually realized dynamic compensation device, as well as of the
simulation models and the developed graphical interface was also performed. A definite benefit was stated,
both technically and economically from the installation of dynamic compensation devices in electric traction
networks. Furthermore, a developed computer program with a graphical interface can greatly reduce the
problem of finding the optimal installation location, especially in networks with many nodes. Finally, the
conclusion confirming the significant economic savings in the fees for the over taken electricity, following the
installation of the dynamic reactive power compensation device, was provided. Less
kompenzacija jalove energije
dinamička kompenzacija
genetski algoritam
optimizacija rojem čestica
optimalno mjesto ugradnje uređaja dinamičke kompenzacije
grafičko sučelje
Keywords (english)
reactive energy compensation
dynamic compensation
genetic algorithm
particle swarm optimization
optimal location of dynamic compensation device
graphical interface
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:200:175029
Promotion 2020-09-15
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study programme; specializations in: branch Power Engineering and Communications, branch Informatics Course: branch Power Engineering and Communications Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje elektrotehnika (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje elektrotehnika)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-10-08 13:54:24